2 0 2 4
We Owe It to the Planet
AVL’s Sustainability Strategy
The transition to sustainable hydrogen production
is pivotal for the transformation of the industrial
energy sector. AVL offers advanced electrolysis
solutions to meet the growing demand.
AVL’s Electrolysis
Solutions Fuel the
Growth of Sustainable
In view of the increasing challenges resulting from
the global climate crisis, the topic of sustainability is
becoming even more central to our actions. Terms such
as “Environmental, Social, and Governance” (ESG) and
“Corporate Social Responsibility” (CSR) are no longer just
buzzwords, but key success factors for the future viability
of companies.
The mobility industry in particular is at a turning point. At
AVL, we feel a particular responsibility to actively shape
this transformation. Our claim “Reimagining Motion”
stands for a greener, safer, and better world of mobility.
We aim to not only express this vision in words but also
bring it to life with every step we take.
Our innovations and methods have always contributed
to ma�ing mo�ility more e�cient and s�staina�le. �n
order to meet the EU’s legally binding goal of net-zero
greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, we must not
only reduce our footprint but also reverse it through
technological innovations such as carbon removal
technologies. At AVL, we have taken on this task and
developed a comprehensive sustainability strategy.
However, sustainability is not a target that can be simply
achieved and checked off. It is a journey that requires
determination and courage – especially the courage and
willingness to continuously scrutinize our own actions
and explore new paths. But this is precisely where AVL’s
strengths lie: We have often proven that we have the
skills and the vision to act successfully and sustainably
in the long term.
In this edition of FOCUS, we not only want to introduce
the key points of our new sustainability strategy, but
also highlight the projects and technologies that we
are already driving to shape the future of mobility and
I look forward to embarking on this journey toward a
more sustainable future with you.
Prof. Helmut List
Chairman and CEO, AVL
Premium Performance for Mercedes-AMG
Evolution vs. Revolution – The Future of On-Board
Driving the Future: The Role of Alternative Fuels in Next
Generation Large Engines
New AVL Fuel Cell Stack Design Delivers High Power
and �ig� ��ciency
A Joint Evolution – AVL and Cummins
Fuel Cell Power in New Industries
Lighthouse Project for Heavy-Duty Transport
AI Boosts All Development Tasks
Faster to Market Thanks to AI-Powered Concept
Pipeline Automation for Software Development:
When Years Turn Into Months
Innovative Chassis Dyno Testing Solutions for the
Future of Mobility
Emission Legislation Focuses on Brake Abrasion
Virtualizing Water Wading by Meshless CFD
Validated Vehicle Models – Versatile Development Aids
������� ��nctions � �ntegration, �erification
and Validation
Non-Terrestrial Networks Extend Vehicle Connectivity
���.�a� �oosts ��ciency in ��ro ���� �esting wit�
AVL Smart ADAS Analyzer™
Generating Logical Scenarios with Parameters
Captured Through Real-World Data Collection
Three Questions on ADAS/AD Scenario Testing
Innovative E/E Architectures – the Intelligent Backbone
of Modern Vehicle Platforms
Full Vehicle Testing in Motorsport
Partnering for Maintenance: How EASE is Transforming
Tech Center Services
Revolutionizing Heavy-Duty Transport with
Green Energy Solutions
MUBIL: Accelerating Sustainable Mobility Through
Innovation and Collaboration
NASA’s Return to the Moon
AVL and DENTSU SOKEN Accelerating Product
Development in Manufacturing Industries Worldwide
AVL has alwwways played a key role in making mobility more efÏcient
and more resource friendly. With our new comprehensive sustainability
strategy, we are committing ourselves to achieve even more.
Evaluating, understanding, and optimizing the propulsion system with
the Virtual Twin, a simulation model that captures the physical behavior
of the system, can significantly reduce development time and costs.
AVL’s Lighthouse BEV project marks a noteworthy leap in
electric vehicle (EV) development, combining fast charging
capabilities, optimized energy consumption, and sustainability.
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) represents a paradigm shift in
selecting the right technology for all vehicle systems. Our AI-powered
AVL Vehicle Composer™ tool allows manufacturers to make concept
decisions up to three months earlier.
We Owe It
to the Planet
Simulating E-Drive
Transient Driving
Conditions with the
Virtual Twin
Setting the Stage for the Future of
Fast Charging and EfÏciency
Faster to Market Thanks to
AI-Powered Concept Development
We Owe It to the Planet –
AVL’s Sustainability Strategy
Net Zero and Beyond – Interview Prof. Helmut List
AVL’s Electrolysis Solutions Fuel the Growth of
Sustainable Hydrogen
Green Hydrogen Production – AVL Is Shaping the
Energy of the Future
AVL’s Approach to Energy Management:
A Commitment to Sustainability
Greater Transparency with the AVL Digital Battery Passport
AVL Lighthouse BEV: Setting the Stage for the Future of Fast
��arging and ��ciency
More Passenger Capacity for Electric Buses
��ree �trategies �or �ore ��cient �attery �esting
Electrochemical Modeling of Battery Cells
�ig�ly ��cient ����le �esting
How to Accelerate E-Motor Development and Testing with AI
Simulating E-Drive Transient Driving Conditions
with the Virtual Twin
The Perfect Solution for Increased Testing Capacity
Simulating E-Driv
Transient Driving
Conditions with the
2 | 3
We Owe It
to the Planet
AVL’s Sustainability Strategy
AVL has always played a significant role in making mobility
more efficient and more resource friendly. However, in light
of advancing climate change and increasing environmental
awareness in society, a deeper transformation is
essential. To this end we have developed a comprehensive
sustainability strategy aimed at consistently aligning and
sustainably promoting economic, ecological, and social
Sustainable Is the New Profitable
For AVL, this means thinking about competitiveness and
sustainability together and taking responsibility along the
entire value chain. It is about better understanding the impact
of our business practices and designing our solutions in such
a way that they not only meet but exceed our stakeholders’
expectations of sustainable action.
From ESG to EESG
In our sustainability strategy we have expanded the globally
recognized ESG criteria (Environmental, Social, Governance)
by adding a second “E” for “Economic”. These four dimensions
are at the core of numerous sustainability aspects. At AVL, our
goal is to com�ine t�ese as�ects �armonio�sly and find t�e
best possible solution for each dimension.
Net Zero by 2039
The European Union’s Green Deal, which aims for net-zero
greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, is the foundation of
our new sustainability strategy. But our ambitions and the
expectations of our customers already go far beyond this.
Our main goal is to achieve net-zero emissions by 2039.
To accomplish this, we are assessing our current product
portfolio and aligning future offerings with strict sustainability
criteria. Thus, we are not only reducing our own ecological
footprint, but we are also supporting our customers with the
realization of measurable and sustainable success for the
environment and society.
�y ���� we aim to generate more t�an ���� o� o�r reven�e
from technologies that have a positive impact on the climate.
With this focus, we are not only securing the long-term
economic success of AVL, but also opening up new business
fields and mar�ets.
Beyond the Present and the Future
From 2040, we will be setting new standards by going beyond
our own net-zero targets. Through the development and use
of the latest carbon removal technologies, we are laying the
foundation for offsetting the negative environmental impacts
of the past and further transforming our value chain.
Shaping Transformation Through New Skills
As our portfolio evolves, so does the technological expertise
of our employees. Sustainable technologies are at the heart
of our innovations and create new areas of expertise. These
sustainable skills are the key to continuing to shape the future
of mobility and beyond at AVL and actively driving change in
our industry – because “We owe it to the planet”.
“Our main goal is to
achieve net-zero
emissions by 2039.”
4 | 5
�h�t �ignifi��n�e �oe� ���t�in��i�it� h�ve �or ���� �h� i�
the to�i� �o i��ort�nt to � �o���n� �i�e ����
Sustainability is essential for AVL since it forms the basis
for the long-term competitiveness and innovative capability
of our company. In a world increasingly characterized by
resource shortages and climate challenges, it is imperative
that we, as a leading technology company, act responsibly.
Our technologies and services are key in reducing emissions
and en�ancing e�ciency and t�ere�y ma�e a significant
contribution to global sustainability.
�h�t �rive� ��� to ��r��e ���t�in���e �eve�o��ent��
The motivation for sustainable developments at AVL is
m�lti�aceted. �n t�e one �and we are striving to ��lfill
our ecological responsibility. On the other hand we see
sustainability as an opportunity to further solidify our market
leadership and offer innovative solutions that are both
environmentally �riendly and economically �eneficial. ��r
motivation is deeply rooted in the conviction that technological
innovation and sustainable business practices are inseparable.
Our aim is to not only act as a market leader, but also to
be a role model for environmental responsibility. With our
sustainable developments we want to actively pave the way
toward an emissions-free future.
�h�t �re the �ore e�e�ent� o� ����� ���t�in��i�it� �tr�teg��
�n� wh�t ��e�ifi� go��� �n� o��e�tive� �oe� it �efine�
Our sustainability strategy focuses on reducing our ecological
�oot�rint, en�ancing energy e�ciency, and develo�ing
technologies that help our customers achieve their own
s�staina�ility targets. ��ecific goals incl�de red�cing o�r ���
emissions, o�timi�ing reso�rce e�ciency, and contin�o�sly
developing solutions that combine environmental friendliness
with economic viability.
����� ���ro��h i� ho�i�ti�� �h� i� it �o i��ort�nt �or ��� to
thin� ��o�t �rofit��i�it� �n� ���t�in��i�it� �o��e�tive���
A holistic approach is paramount because sustainable
innovations can only reach their full potential if they are
economically viable as well. At AVL, we are convinced that
long-term success can only be achieved by integrating
sustainability into every single business process. By
com�ining s�staina�ility and �rofita�ility, we are ma�ing a
valuable contribution to protecting the environment while also
creating added value for our company and our customers.
��� i� �triving tow�r� net �ero� not ��i��te ne�tr��it�.
�h�t ex��t�� i� the �i��eren�e �n� wh� i� it �o i��ort�nt to
�i�ting�i�h �etween the ter���
Net zero means that we are reducing our emissions as far as
possible and are only compensating the unavoidable residual
emissions. In contrast, climate neutrality often refers merely
to offsetting emissions without necessarily aiming to reduce
them. This differentiation is important to us since we want to
make it clear that we are taking our responsibility seriously.
We don’t want to simply “buy our way out” of emissions, we
want to play an active part in reducing them.
�h�t �re the �igge�t �h���enge� �or ��� in i���e�enting the
���t�in���e tr�n��or��tion�
The biggest challenges are successfully scaling new
technologies while also ensuring their economic viability. In
addition, we need to comply with global regulatory requirements
and remain at the forefront of technological development at all
times. One of the most demanding aspects is the rapid pace of
technological transition, since we need to make sure that our
solutions are both up to date and future-proof.
�h�t �re the o��ort�nitie� ���o�i�te� with ����� ���t�in���e
The sustainable transformation gives us the opportunity
to establish ourselves as pioneers in promising markets
and further expand our innovative capabilities. It creates
opportunities to deepen existing customer relationships and
establish new partnerships based on shared sustainability
goals. ��is strengt�ens o�r �rofile as a res�onsi�le com�any
and solidifies o�r relations�i�s wit� c�stomers and �artners.
�ow i��ort�nt i� it to ���o ��rther �eve�o� e���o�ee
��i���et� in the �re� o� ���t�in��i�it�� �ow �oe� ���
���ro��h thi��
The continuous development of our employees’ skills in
sustainability is vital. This is the only way we can maintain
our innovative strength and meet the demands of an evolving
market. Which is why AVL is investing heavily in training and
education to equip our team with the necessary knowledge
and skills that are essential for us to achieve our sustainability
Net Zero
and Beyond
�� there � ���t�in��i�it� to�i� th�t i� ��rti����r�� ��o�e to �o�r
Developing technologies to reduce emissions in mobility is
particularly important to me because this is where there is
huge potential to make a positive environmental impact. At
��� we �ave t�e �ni��e o��ort�nity to ma�e a significant
contribution to environmental protection through our work,
while actively shaping the future of mobility.
Mobility, both in individual transportation and in the
trans�ortation sector, �lays a �ey role in t�e fig�t against
climate change, and at AVL we feel a responsibility to make
a notable difference with our technologies. Our passion for
sustainable innovation drives us to reduce emissions and pave
the way toward more climate-friendly mobility.
“Long-term success can
only be achieved by
integrating sustainability
into every single business
Interview with
Prof. Helmut List
“The sustainable
transformation gives
us the opportunity to
establish ourselves as
pioneers in promising
markets and further
expand our innovative
6 | 7
Driving technological transformation
requires inventiveness and creativity.
At AVL, innovation is deeply rooted in
our DNA, driven by the courage and
expertise of our employees. Together,
we are turning visions into reality for
a more sustainable future.
8 | 9
AVL’s Electrolysis Solutions Fuel the
Growth of Sustainable Hydrogen
The transition to sustainable hydrogen production is pivotal
for the transformation of the industrial energy sector. The
announced production volumes of clean hydrogen have
increased significantly and the aim is to reach 45 million tons
per year by 2030. To meet the rapidly growing demand, AVL
offers advanced electrolysis solutions across all business units.
�ow �o ����� e�e�tro���i� �o��tion� ����ort ���t�in��i�it� �n�
��i��te t�rget��
���herh���er� In collaboration with our customers, we are
ena�ling t�e develo�ment and �tili�ation o� more e�cient,
robust, and affordable electrolysis technologies. Applying high-
quality engineering, testing, and software solutions accelerates
the development and industrialization of electrolysis
technologies and achieves a rapid market launch.
�it��erger� We want to bring the industrialization process
of hydrogen production technologies to a higher level of
technological readiness. We deliver development tools and
testing solutions that facilitate innovative methods and in
doing so promote innovation.
��t��h�� At AVL we are your reliable partner in overcoming
n�mero�s c�allenges in t�e electrolysis field. �o matter
whether you are looking for the ideal technology, tracking the
electrolysis, to which numerous references and patents attest.
��t��h�� Our scalable simulation solutions for the development
of electrolyzers range from multiphysics 3D to multidomain
system simulations. Our 3D solutions support the development
of stack and Balance of Plant (BoP) components to achieve
important performance and durability KPIs. In our multidomain
system simulations, we utilize real-time-enabled, physics-
based component models that support the engineering teams
throughout all phases of the development process.
�it��erger� Our test solutions offer modular approaches with
a comprehensive data collection and emulation framework.
In combination with state-of-the-art automation and control
systems, we provide a complete solution for testing electrolysis
installations in the megawatt range. What sets AVL apart is the
unique combination of real data from the unit under test (UUT)
augmented with simulation data via co-simulation of digital
twins. Our scalable system testing solutions range from simple
data collection of all relevant interfaces to advanced interface
emulations for the entire electrolysis system.
�ow �o ���to�er� �enefit �ro� ��� �o��tion��
���herh���er� At AVL we cover the gaps in our customers’
know-how and engineering capacity. We accelerate market
launch while sticking to budget goals as well as adapting to
customer processes and educating new customer’s employees
on the job or at AVL training centers. Another big advantage is
our established sales and service network, which offers access
to AVL’s global network and extensive capacities.
�it��erger� A key advantage is our focus on frontloading:
Our tailored test solutions enable electrolyzers to be tested
e�tensively and validated �e�ore t�ey enter in�field o�eration. �e
thereby facilitate the early optimization of operating strategies
and a detailed analysis of interactions. AVL is much more than
simply a supplier of test equipment, we are your partner who
guides the entire development process with tailored processes,
methods, and tools. Our aim is to provide robust solutions that
always focus on the requirements of end users.
��t��h�� Using our simulation solutions helps reduce project
costs and development times since simulations deliver
feedback on the attainment of engineering goals at system
and component level early in the development process.
��is also significantly accelerates reac�ing a �ig� level o�
technological and product maturity, since customers can
focus on the actual innovation process instead of on creating
DIY simulation solutions. AVL’s global service network also
offers comprehensive assistance in all aspects of simulation-
supported product development across all phases of the
development process.
�re there ���o�ing innov�tion� or ��n�tion� �t ��� th�t �o�
�re e��e�i���� ex�ite� ��o�t�
���herh���er� A key highlight is our IP-protected megawatt
SOEC system reference design, now available for licensing. In
����, we�ll �ave o�r first ����develo�ed ��� stac� in o�eration.
�oo�ing a�ead to ����, we�re set to la�nc� a �ig�ly e�cient
power-to-liquid demonstration plant and introduce our new AEM
electrolysis stack platform.
��t��h�� We will soon present innovative model generators,
which facilitate the automatic creation and parameterization
of complex system models. We are also developing
new a��roac�es to ena�le more �recise identification o�
performance degradation mechanisms and aging phenomena in
the future.
�it��erger� On the test equipment side, we are working intensely
on rolling out our integrated test solutions for monitoring and
active testing of electrolysis systems in megawatts. We provide
our solutions to the globally emerging hydrogen innovation
centers and integrate our data analytics platform into existing
demonstration plants. Furthermore, we aim to be the catalyst for
our customers’ innovations and make a valuable contribution to
the transformation of the industrial energy sector.
Interview with
Josef Macherhammer
Product Manager Hydrogen
and Industrial Energy
Dr. Reinhard Tatschl
Principal Research and
Technology Manager
Dr. Daniel Ritzberger
System Line Manager
Electrolysis Testing Solutions
Driving the Energy Shift:
latest mar�et develo�ments, meeting s�ecific re��irements
for components, or developing your own electrolysis stacks
and systems – we are on hand with our expertise and proven
simulation and test solutions.
�hi�h ��� �o��tion� �re ��v�n�ing te�hno�og��
���herh���er� We offer tailored high-end engineering for
a variety of electrolysis technologies like SOEC (solid oxide
electrolyzer cells), PEM (polymer electrolyte membrane),
AEM (anion exchange membrane) and AWE (alkaline water
electrolysis). Our comprehensive range of services covers
everything from selecting the optimum architecture to precise
process design. We clarify key questions such as the ideal
design concept, suitable supply chain, and optimum software
and operating strategy to achieve the desired results. What
really sets �s a�art is o�r e�tensive e��ertise in t�e field o�
“We want to bring the
industrialization of
hydrogen production
technologies to a higher
technological level.”
10 | 11
A Commitment
to Sustainability
AVL’s Approach to Energy Management:
Green Hydrogen Production
nergy management has become more crucial than
ever, wit� new directives on energy e�ciency and
renewable sources reshaping how we produce and
consume energy. To navigate this transition, an integrated
and innovative approach is essential. At AVL, we’re deeply
committed to this cause, actively engaging in energy
monitoring and management to create a greener future. Our
a��roac� s�ans vario�s fields, ens�ring t�at we not only trac�
energy �sage, ��t also o�timi�e it �or ma�im�m e�ciency and
Energy Management in Testing: EMOS
When it comes to testing, AVL EMOS™ – Energy Management
and Optimization System is a game changer. Imagine having
a system that understands every nuance of your testing
processes. EMOS does just that by seamlessly integrating
with automation systems. This deep understanding allows us
to measure and predict power demand accurately, ensuring
t�at energy is �sed e�ciently. �t�s not ��st a�o�t monitoring� it�s
about making every watt count.
Beyond Testing: The Power of ATENE
But our commitment to energy management doesn’t stop
at testing. AVL ATENE™ – Advanced Technologies for
ENergy EfÏciency is the innovative solution designed to help
companies manage and optimize their energy usage while
controlling their carbon footprint. Think of it as your personal
sustainability guru, combining easy-to-integrate hardware
with user-friendly software for a comprehensive energy
management experience and capable of suggesting and
im�lementing strategies to o�timi�e energy e�ciency.
ATENE can integrate with other management systems already
�resent on t�e site �li�e �����, ens�ring ma�im�m �e�i�ility
for the user and serving as a unique data collector, able to
consolidate sustainability reports across functions.
The adoption of energy management systems (EMS) like
EMOS and ATENE provides the foundation for achieving
environmental objectives within the ESG (Environmental, Social,
and Governance) framework. Sustainability reports derived from
EMS data enable organizations to track progress, comply with
legislative requirements, and showcase their commitment to
responsible energy management.
In summary, AVL’s energy management strategy emphasizes
innovation and sustainability. With solutions like EMOS and
ATENE, we are not only addressing current energy needs, but
also paving the way for a sustainable future. Furthermore, our
advanced energy management capabilities help organizations
monitor and reduce indirect emissions across their entire
supply chain, thereby supporting ESG Scope 3 objectives.
�oin �s on t�is �o�rney towards a greener, more e�cient world.
In today’s world, sustainability isn’t just a buzzword;
it’s a necessity.
Let’s dive into how
AVL is making a
Shaping the Energy
of the Future
As already outlined in the interview on page 10/11, AVL is intensifying its
efforts in the field of electrolysis solutions and has been playing a pioneering
role in the field of "hydrogen as an energy source" for more than 20 years. With
a team of more than 650 engineers, we are making a significant contribution to
further development and implementation of this future technology.
n addition to development projects and test solutions that
focus on the further development of electrolysis technology,
we are now also applying our knowledge of hydrogen to the
planning and construction of hydrogen production plants for
this promising energy source. Together with our consortium
�artners, we are wor�ing on greenfield develo�ment o�
hydrogen production facilities, or the extension or conversion
of existing infrastructure for this purpose. One example of this
is a current project in Italy led by AVL to adapt a former train
station for hydrogen production, storage, and refueling for
trains and buses.
Wide-Ranging Expertise
AVL provides extensive expertise from planning to realization of
complete H� �rod�ction �acilities, s�ecifically wit� regard to t�e
design and construction of Balance of Plants (BoP), systems
automation, energy management, and security concepts.
We can function as general contractors to execute projects
with numerous partners and suppliers, on time and with the
highest level of quality – representing unparalleled added value.
Thanks to our global network, we guarantee access to a reliable
network of suppliers and top-class service. One of our focus
areas is predictive maintenance. Advanced technologies enable
us to continuously monitor and optimize systems.
Electrolyzer Demonstrators
The development of electrolyzer demonstrators is an
o�tstanding e�am�le o� o�r innovative a�ility in t�e field o�
hydrogen generation. We can leverage our extensive in-house
knowledge when designing the Balance of Plant for selected
electrolysis stacks and for the integration of complex systems
in modular solutions. In cooperation with our partner CERES,
t�is res�lted in t�e world�s first solid�o�ide electroly�er cell
������ �ydrogen electroly�er, wit� an e�ciency level o� ����.
This is currently being evaluated by Shell in India. This system
underwent advance testing at AVL SCHRICK, where we
�rovide testing ca�acity �or electrolysis �acilities o� �� to ����
peak performance.
Our Contribution to the Future
Our wide-ranging expertise means that AVL is perfectly
positioned to overcome the challenges of hydrogen generation
and to deliver sustainable energy solutions for the future.
Thanks to continuous innovation and strategic partnerships,
we are involved in designing the energy of tomorrow – making
a more sustainable contribution to the development of the
global energy landscape.
12 | 13
Greater Transparency with the
AVL Digital Battery Passport
“The AVL Digital
Batery Passport is
a game changer for
compliance with the
new EU Bateries
attery development is making rapid progress. In addition
to technological innovations, there is an increasing
focus on the ecological and social aspects of battery
production. This includes the carbon footprint throughout the
entire value chain of a battery from production and second
li�e to �ltimate recycling. �o t�is end, t�e �� �as ratified a
new Batteries Regulation: Starting February 2027, all batteries
sold in Europe for electric vehicles, light-duty vehicles, and
industrial batteries with a capacity of more than 2 kWh must
have a unique battery passport.
To comply with the stricter EU requirements regarding
sustainability and circularity and to generate added value from
the progressive digitalization of the value chain, we developed
the AVL Digital Battery Passport. This unique digital solution
facilitates traceability and transparency throughout the battery
lifecycle. Our passport makes an important contribution to
greater sustainability and to the creation of a transparent
circular economy in battery production.
The AVL Digital Battery Passport is the digital counterpart to
the physical battery. It contains all relevant data for continuous
documentation of the battery and thus provides a digital
representation for the legislator, various parties along the
value chain, and the end user. The passport comprises unique
identification as well as in�ormation on �er�ormance, li�etime,
material usage and recycled materials, compliance with due
diligence in the supply chain, and the end-of-life management
of the battery.
The data can be accessed from a user-friendly dashboard
and used by other systems via standardized interfaces.
��is ena�les verification o� com�liance wit� t�e ��
Batteries Regulation for documenting the ecological and
social sustainability of the batteries and being able to
take optimization measures where necessary. Automobile
manufacturers, recycling companies, and supervisory
authorities have quick and easy access to all relevant
�he �� ��tterie� �eg���tion re�re�ent� � �ignifi��nt
�h���enge �or the ��to�otive in���tr�. �hi�h wi�� �e the �o�t
�i����t ���e�t��
The most challenging part will be ensuring sustainability
throughout the entire lifecycle of the battery, including the
procurement of raw materials, manufacturing, usage, and
recycling. Companies will need transparent supply chains to
guarantee complete and tamper-proof entry of all data. There
are also some organizational challenges, requiring a new type
of cooperation between customers, suppliers, and possibly
even competitors.
�� the in���tr� re��� �or thi��
Companies are taking up the challenge, but some detailed
issues still need to be addressed. Smaller companies in
particular will be faced with high levels of expenditure in
proportion to their revenue. Cooperations will be an essential
feature all along the supply chain and between current
competitors – and must be prepared carefully. This requires
expertise in the orchestration of the value chain.
�ow wi�� the ��tterie� �eg���tion �ontin�e to �eve�o� in the
This is comparable to the EU emissions regulations for
vehicles. As time progresses, these cover more vehicle
segments, and limit values get stricter. The EU Batteries
��r state�o��t�e�art, certified clo�d in�rastr�ct�re g�arantees
maximum data security. The data can simply be integrated
into existing IT landscapes, including IoT/OT/IT systems.
Tamper-proof methods for authenticating digital assets
ensure the integrity of the battery data.
The combination of consulting services (e.g., regarding
legislation, the carbon footprint, or dismantling batteries, as
well as sustainability strategies and ESG implementation),
technical expertise (platform, hosting, application engineering),
and integration experience with IT and IoT systems as well as
value-added services makes for a unique AVL portfolio.
Together with renowned external consultancies and Microsoft,
AVL can provide customers with holistic and extensive
support in all areas relating to the introduction of a battery
��is a��roac� and t�e �e�i�le, ��t�re��roo� integration o�
requirements from battery legislation ensures AVL is well
prepared for other planned future product passports such as
the vehicle passport.
�eg�lation also defines t�e re��irements t�at ��t�re �attery
types will have to meet, and how the recycling ratios are to
be adjusted. The major distinction is that the EU emissions
reg�lations a��ly to t�e entire ve�icle �eet o� a man��act�rer,
while the batteries regulation affects each individual battery
that is brought to market.
�i�� there �e ���� �N� �igit�� ��tter� �����ort in the ��t�re�
To start with, we will probably see several solutions. There
are various technologies for hosting data, such as blockchain
and cloud-based solutions. Competition in these areas will
foster innovation. Ideally, the EU will create a framework for
compatible solutions. This would allow a perfect solution to
emerge over time.
�� it �o��i��e to en��re ��t� ����it� in the �igit�� ��tter�
The legislator can take action to ensure that the data in
the digital battery passport is correct and trustworthy by
introducing standardized requirements and compulsory
audits, for example. Suitable technologies, digital signatures,
and encryption can also be used to guarantee traceability.
The accuracy and integrity of the information in the digital
battery passport are critical to the success of the EU Batteries
Interview with
Prof. Dr. Florian Kauf
Partner Operations Transformation, PwC
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Setting the Stage
for the Future of
Fast Charging and
AVL’s Lighthouse BEV project marks a noteworthy leap
in electric vehicle (EV) development, combining fast
charging capabilities, optimized energy consumption,
and sustainability.
AVL Lighthouse BEV:
s the EU pushes toward its 2035 goal of zero-emission
vehicles, consumer adoption of EVs has lagged due to
range anxiety and perceived lengthy charging times. To
address this, AVL is developing the “Lighthouse BEV platform”,
aimed at achieving a new standard for fast charging, low
consumption, and aerodynamic design. The goal is to create
a vehicle that mirrors the refueling convenience of traditional
internal com��stion engine ����� ve�icles ��t wit� t�e �enefits
of electric mobility.
Many of today’s best-performing EV’s have made progress
in fast charging, but AVL’s target goes beyond present
expectations. By developing a vehicle capable of charging
500 km of range in just 5 minutes on a 60 kWh battery, AVL
aims to not only match but surpass the capabilities of today’s
top EVs. What sets the Lighthouse BEV apart is the focus on
delivering this performance while remaining competitive on
price and ensuring a low carbon footprint.
To achieve this, AVL is incorporating advanced battery
technology for continuously high C ratings, along with a
powerful thermal management system to maintain optimal
battery temperatures during rapid charging cycles. These
innovations are e��ected to significantly s�orten c�arging
times while maintaining the vehicle's overall performance and
Beyond fast charging, AVL has concentrated on reducing the
energy consumption of the base vehicle, the Renault Megane
e-Tech. This is realized though aerodynamic optimization,
rolling resistance reduction, and weight improvements. AVL
engineers have lowered the vehicle's energy consumption in a
���� cycle �y �� �, �rom ��.� ������� �m to ��.� �������
�m. �dditionally, ����s �ig��e�ciency �lectric �rive �nit �����
utilizes SiC inverter technology and friction reduction to
ac�ieve an im�ressive � �� � e�ciency, w�ere most c�rrent
���s o�erate at aro�nd �� �.
This has enabled the overall energy consumption of the
ve�icle in t�e ���� test cycle to �e red�ced �y �� � � �rom
13.8 kWh/100 km to 10.3 kWh/100 km.
Looking ahead, the AVL Lighthouse BEV project is set to
redefine ind�stry e��ectations �or �ast c�arging and energy
e�ciency. ��ile t�e ve�icle is still in develo�ment, wit� a
�ro�ect end in ����, t�e �oc�s is s�i�ting toward refining t�e
battery system and further improving fast-charge capabilities.
AVL's dedication to innovation and engineering excellence
promises to deliver an EV that not only meets consumer
demands but leads the market in both performance and
environmental sustainability. This project showcases AVL’s
leadership in shaping the future of electric mobility, where
convenience, e�ciency, and s�staina�ility converge.
AVL High EfÏciency Electric Drive Unit
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More Passenger
Capacity for
Electric Buses
AVL presents a new approach for integrating the battery
system into city buses. The innovative solution offers new
packaging solutions without decreasing battery capacity
and offers many advantages.
CO2 Reduction Becomes Core Challenge
Since commercial vehicles play an important role in CO�
emissions, the EU Parliament and its Member States Ministers
decided in May 2024 that CO� emissions of heavy-duty vehicles
m�st �e red�ced �y �� � in ���� com�ared wit� ����. �or
city ��ses, �� � o� newly registered ve�icles s�all �ave �ero
emissions in ����. ���s will �ave to �ay �eavy fines i� t�e �eet
consumption of their sold vehicles fails to meet requirements.
�or e�am�le, i� a man��act�rer wit� a mar�et s�are o� �� �
(approximately 50,000 vehicles) misses its target by just 1
gram, t�ey co�ld �e �aced wit� a fine o� over ����� million.
R&D Project by AVL to Tackle Challenge for Bus Sector
Battery electric trucks and buses will be key in complying
with CO� emissions regulation. This is why AVL started an
internal R&D project investigating one of the most challenging
demands� integrating t�e �attery system into t�e low �oor
of city buses. The current trend is to mount the batteries on
the roof of the bus. This is an easy solution, but there are
some disadvantages: The primary disadvantage is a heavier,
more complex and robust roof structure, resulting in a lower
passenger capacity for the bus. Roof mounting is also not ideal
in terms of higher center of gravity of the vehicles, which results
in poorer handling and tilting performance.
Integrating the Battery System into the Low Floor
City buses need the battery capacity for the daily driving range
as well as for heating and cooling the passenger compartment.
As doors are being opened frequently, both air conditioning in
summer and heating in winter consume a lot of energy. If the
�attery system were to �e �ac�aged into t�e low �oor wit�o�t
compromising the energy capacity, the chassis structure can
be designed at low weight and passenger capacity of the bus
can be increased. This would be a USP of the design. However,
geometrical boundaries must be respected. Certain dimensions
s�c� as gro�nd clearance and t�e �eig�t o� t�e ste�s or �oor in
t�e seating area are defined and cannot �e c�anged.
Achieving a Market-Leading Position and Ensuring Maximum
Considering all requirements such as battery cooling, high-
voltage harnesses, battery pack design, packaging, EMC,
etc., ��� was a�le to install more ca�acity into t�e low �oor
than currently available on the market. The battery pack was
designed to �e installed in low �oor city ��ses �solo and
articulated bus) as well as other bus types like low entry or
With this solution AVL leverages its battery competences
and development skills, which are steered by model-based
systems engineering methodology. In doing so, we are also
addressing one of the most important requirements for all
battery electric vehicles: thermal safety. The battery cell
design, the venting of gases in case of thermal runaway (TR),
the pack design in terms of modularity, the energy density,
and safety requires a multi-skills approach. The battery
management system (BMS) controls the state of health and
safety of the complete battery system. If the cell fails, the
�attery �ac� is set to a sa�e state, t�e fire e��a�st gases
are guided to a safe tailpipe and the thermal propagation is
restricted just to a single pack cell.
Virtually Verified and Scalable to Other Applications
The complete installation and controls are USPs of AVL.
Our battery management is an advantage for other
electric vehicles as well and can easily be tailored to other
a��lications. �or t�is, we o��er a ��ll verification met�odology
with a focus on virtual development. Our simulation method
also considers various physical side phenomena. This puts
design solutions in place for safe operation and to stop
thermal propagation.
Battery lifetime is considered beyond cell aging behavior as it
includes mechanical and performance degradation. State of
charge (SoC), state of health (SoH), state of failure (SoF) as
well as state of safety (SoS) are calculated based on model
a��roac�es. �inally, ve�icle �eet monitoring in t�e clo�d can
�e �sed �or li�etime o�timi�ation and �eet management.
“Our advanced batery
systems enhance capacity
and safety, transforming
complexity into security
and innovation into
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