75 Years of Technology Excellence and Innovation by Daily
Dear Readers,
It is an extraordinary pleasure and honor for me to wel-
come you to this exclusive special edition marking the
75th anniversary of our company.
As we celebrate this milestone, we are in the midst
of probably one of the most profound transformation
processes in the world of mobility. The battery electric
vehicle has already successfully made its way onto our
roads. At the same time, fuel cells are also being used
in commercial vehicles and non-road applications. In
addition, the trend is moving towards alternative fuels
such as hydrogen and other e-fuels. The concept of the
software-defined vehicle has already become a reality.
For more than seven decades, we have strived to push
progress in technology and innovation, always with the
vision of making tomorrow’s mobility sustainable, safe,
and affordable.
This special edition of FOCUS is all about how we are
shaping this transformation now, how we are supporting
automotive manufacturers and suppliers in overcoming
current challenges, which milestones we have already
reached on the road to tomorrow’s mobility, and which
topics we are currently working on. Exciting articles and
exclusive interviews with experts reveal more about the
current state of propulsion technology and about new
trends in the areas of engineering, simulation, and testing.
In addition, allow us to take a brief look back at our
history. You’ll find that a pioneering spirit and curiosi-
ty have been driving us since the very beginning. Our
decades of experience and the creativity of our dedicated
employees form the solid foundation for our success –
both today and in the future.
But all this would be impossible without you. Success
is only possible in collaboration: Without you, the
companions, the driving forces, the challengers and
supporters, the customers and partners and, of course,
our employees, we would not be able to celebrate this
anniversary. Therefore, we would like to take this opportu-
nity to thank you for your loyalty, for valuable momentum,
for sharing your visions, for jointly developing ideas, meth-
odologies, and vehicles, and for your continued trust in us.
I look forward to embarking on the path to the mobility of
the future alongside you.
May this magazine be a companion for our next steps.
Helmut List
Chairman and CEO, AVL
Technological pioneer, vision-
ary, entrepreneur with heart
and soul – talking to the man
behind AVL’s success.
Interview with
Prof. Helmut List
Research, Develop, Protect
Engineering in the Technology Transformation
58 Democratizing Simulation
62 Measuring and Testing for Tomorrow’s World
64 AVL Sets Trends
Automotive Sustainability: The Seven Main Trends
68 Speed and Affordability Are Central for E-Mobility
70 AVL and Henkel: Working on More EfÏcient Battery
Development Together
72 From Research to a Business Segment and Beyond
74 Modern Propulsion Systems with Internal Combus-
tion Engines
76 Next Generation Vehicles
78 An Off-Road Innovation Package
80 The Journey Towards Autonomous Vehicles
83 Driving Safety Forward Together
Software Solutions for a New Era of Mobility
86 Testing Software Faster
88 Most Profound Change in Ford’s History
96 AVL North America on the Rapid Shift to Electrification
93 AVL Expands Canadian Footprint
98 AVL Provides Integrated Testing Solutions for the
California Air Resources Board’s Next-Generation Lab
in Southern California
99 California Technical Center (CTC) Provides Big Boost
to EV and Mobility Startups
100 Collaborative Research at AVL Germany
101 eVTOL from Lilium
102 AVL United Kingdom: Making the Fuel Cell Concept a
104 AVL Ibérica: Driving an Electric, Connected,
Autonomous, and Greener Future
105 AVL Italy –Battery Technology Center: AVL Part of
Stellantis’ Journey to Redefine Mobility
106 Supporting Japan’s Automotive Industry
107 The Story Behind the Growth of the AVL Korea
Technical Center (KTC)
108 AVL India: The End Customer in Mind, the Future in
110 The Bond Between AVL and China is Older
than AVL Itself
112 Welcome to Creators Expedition
Our journey from an engineering ofÏce to one of the world’s leading mobility
technology companies for development, simulation, and testing in the
automotive industry and other sectors.
Technology and culture enter into a unique
symbiosis at AVL. Why it is so enriching for our
company to change perspective and trigger
creative processes.
The racetrack is so much more than a
testing and development platform. Our aim
is a green, diverse future for motorsport.
What does the future of mobility look like? What will
the cars of tomorrow be capable of? How will they be
powered? Finding the right answers to questions like
these is one of our cross-divisional core competen-
and Develop-
ment of AVL
Where Art
and Science
Next Generation
Foundation and Development of AVL
Ingenious, Right into His Senior Years: Prof. Hans List
Prof. Helmut List – His Personal Life and Achievements
Always on the Pulse of the Times
Pillars of Our Success
Driving Innovation, Shaping the Future
Shaping the Future Responsibly and
Certified Quality: Our Integrated Management
AVL and Microsoft: Global Partners for
Intelligent and Sustainable Mobility
Employees – Value and Appreciation
Where Art and Science Meet
The Helmut List Halle
2 | 3
It is widely known that Hans List is the forefather of today’s AVL.
But did you know that he was already well on his way to becoming
a hydrogen pioneer back in the 1940s? Or that at almost 100
years old, he is one of the oldest people in the world to have
received a patent? But let’s start at the beginning.
orn on April 30, 1896, Hans List grew up around the
turn of the century in an upper-class family in Graz. His
grandfather, Eduard List, ran the renowned “Grand Hotel
à l’Éléphant” until 1900 – one of the biggest hotels in the city,
whose guests included members of the imperial house.
Hans List’s father, Hugo List (1857–1932), studied at Grazer
Handelsakademie (Graz commercial academy) before starting
his professional career at Escompte Bank. After the stock
market crash of 1873, he left the bank and developed an in-
creasing interest in technology. He studied civil engineering at
Graz University of Technology and went on to work as an en-
gineer for the Styrian state rail authority, in the field of railway
construction. From 1890 to 1906, he and his partners Brunetti
and Radl ran the company “Brunetti, List & Radl”, which built
narrow-gauge railways in Lower Austria.
Inspired by his father, Hans List also developed a passion
for technology. He studied mechanical engineering at Graz
University of Technology and completed his studies after six
semesters. In 1920, he got a job working in the diesel engine
department at the Grazer Waggon- und Maschinenfabrik (Graz
Wagon and Machine Factory). He was initially responsible for
various detailed drawings of crankshafts but was gradually
entrusted with the design of more complex parts. He even-
tually designed a control mechanism for a reversible engine,
which was completely smokeless, and in which the fuel was
atomized by compressed air.
In 1926, he was employed as a scientist at Tongji University in
China. The turbulent trip took him by ship from Genoa, through
the Suez Canal, to Colombo, Singapore, Borneo, and Hong
Kong, before arriving in Shanghai. Once he had arrived, he set
up an institute for important research to calculate vibrations
during the charge exchange process in internal combustion
From 1932 to 1941, he held a teaching position as Professor
of Combustion Engines at Graz University of Technology.
During this time, graduate engineer Egon Niedermayer was
employed as his assistant and Dr. Anton Pischinger as his
research assistant. Together, they continued their research
work. In 1941, Hans List was called to Dresden and proposed
that Dr. Pischinger should take over his teaching position in
Graz – a proposal that was approved. In Dresden, List forged
close connections with the industry, particularly the aircraft
Ingenious, Right into His
Senior Years: Prof. Hans List
Main teaching building of
Tongji University in Woosung
Foundation and
of AVL
We have come an extraordinary way in
75 years: from a robust industrial diesel
engine in 1949 to one of the world’s
leading mobility technology companies
for development, simulation, and testing.
4 | 5
In 1946, graduate engineer and Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Hans
List founded the engineering firm “IBL”, before renaming it to
“Anstalt für Verbrennungsmotoren Prof. Hans List” in 1948.
His goal was to develop modern engines, based on the latest
findings from basic research while simultaneously taking into
account the growing economic criteria within the industry.
The new company’s first order was the development of a ro-
bust industrial diesel engine. This went into series production
at the Jenbach plant in Tyrol and at the Andritz engineering
works in Graz in 1949. Even then, the success of the company
relied upon the pillars of development and construction exper-
tise, rigorous testing, and income generated from patents.
The 1940s
To this day, Hans List’s
publications remain
among the most
important scientifc
book series on internal
combustion engines
in the world.
engine departments at Mercedes-Benz and BMW. He was
commissioned to improve the efÏciency of aircraft engines by
performing tests on piston engines.
In the course of the German-Soviet War during World War II,
politicians planned to use large parts of Russia to produce
food, such as grain. Farms were to be set up in the colonized
regions, with the energy required being provided by wind tur-
bines. The intention was to store the electricity thus obtained
in accumulators and to use some of it to produce hydrogen
and oxygen. Hans List was given the task of creating the
hydrogen engine and making contact with scientists. However,
the project lost significance with the defeat of the German
army in Russia.
After the war, aged 50, Hans List took the step into entre-
preneurship and founded Ingenieurbüro List (IBL), the pre-
decessor to AVL. His dedication to technical advancement
and innovation continued to shape the many successes and
technological breakthroughs experienced throughout the his-
tory of AVL. He was even immortalized in the Guinness Book
of Records as the oldest patent holder in the world: at a proud
age of 99 years, he received a European patent, which served
to underline his sustained power of innovation. Hans List died
on September 10, 1996.
Gold honorary coin from the Austrian
Engineering and Architectural Association
Ackroyd Stuart Prize from the Institution
of Mechanical Engineers, England
Gold medal of honor from the Republic
of Austria
Decorated with ring of honor from the city of Graz
Honorary doctorate from the Graz University of Technology
Large silver medal of honor for services to the Republic of
Prix de Promotion International Technique d’Institute
International de Promotion et de Prestige, Paris
Honorary citizen of the city of Graz
Large gold medal of honor with the star of the state of Styria
Schrödinger Prize from the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Awarded the medal of honor for science and art
by the Federal President
Ring of honor from the state of Styria
Honorary professor of Tongji University in China
Large gold medal of honor with the star of the Republic of
Kaplan Medal from the Austrian Association of Patent Holders
and Inventors
Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Engineering (USA)
Honorary member of the Austrian Association of Engineers and
Special 50th Anniversary Horning Memorial Award, awarded by
Honorary professor at Jiangsu University in China
Soichiro Honda Medal of American Society of Mechanical
Prof. Hans List
Honors and Accolades:
During his career,
Prof. Hans List
registered more than
300 patents.
6 | 7
In 1963, the intensive continuous development of diesel
engine technology resulted in the construction of an 18-cylin-
der two-stroke diesel engine with 2,250 HP. Alongside engine
development, AVL began to produce engine testing devices
and started series production of quartz pressure transducers,
gravimetric fuel consumption measurement equipment, flue
gas measurement devices, and complete engine indication
systems. Helmut List joined AVL in 1966, his initial role was to
lead the production department for electronic and precision
measuring instruments. In the same year, two further engine
testbeds were built, including a system for acoustic inspec-
tions. These boasted an interior design that was revolutionary
at the time, with anechoic furnishings for walls, ceiling, and
floor to exclude all external interference.
Since the company had already gained experience with
measurement devices and displayed a degree of afÏnity with
medical devices, AVL started to develop innovative medical
The 1960s
measurement devices. University professor Dr. Karl Harnon-
court’s research results in the field of medical technology were
significant here. The electronics in those first models were
first developed by AVL with the Institute for Electromedicine
at Graz University of Technology, and the AVL electronics
department soon assumed responsibility for development as
a whole.
In 1967, Helmut List completed his mechanical engineering
studies at Graz University of Technology as a graduate
engineer. In 1968, the son of the AVL founder added project
lead responsibility for the medical measurement device Gas
Check 935 to his role as head of production. The delivery of
the first green devices to customers in 1969 heralded a period
of intensive development, which generated regular product
improvements. The first digital testbed was also installed at
headquarters during this time.
Foundation of AVL Test Systems, Inc.
AVL Test Systems, Inc. was established in
Plymouth, Michigan (USA) in 1962. The subsidiary has con tinued
to grow ever since and has remained at the same location. It
now offers a comprehensive portfolio that encompasses equip-
ment for entire battery labs, component tests, and solutions for
all e-mobility projects. The company’s ADAS/AD solutions are
ensuring the advent of a secure, autonomous mobile future.
Austrian physician and university professor Dr. Karl Harnoncourt’s
achievements include blood gas analyzers, which AVL manufactured
in the 1960s based on his research findings.
In 1951, the company now known as “Anstalt für
Verbrennungs kraftmaschinen List” (AVL for short) was for-
mally established in Graz. Supported by investment from the
Marshall Plan, the central test site was opened at Kleiststrasse
48 in 1952, boasting its own testbeds and a workshop. This
enabled AVL to take on more orders for engine development,
for example, for Jenbacher Werke, Steyr-Daimler-Puch, and
numerous foreign companies. The corporate headquarters are
still at this location today, alongside the head ofÏce for central
research and development tasks.
The 1950s
In 1955, AVL made the decision to develop engines for com-
mercial vehicles. Market analysis determined a need for small
diesel trucks with a load capacity of 800 to 1000 kg, and for
light equipment carriers for smaller agricultural enterprises.
AVL quickly came to an agreement with the steel industry in
Rottenmann to construct and manufacture diesel-powered
delivery vehicles. In 1958, AVL introduced the first four-stroke
diesel engines with direct injection for trucks equipped with
swirl ducts. These replaced the two-stroke engines and four-
stroke prechamber engines.
First expansion of AVL in 1952
Further expansion in 1958
8 | 9
inventions. The corporation has topped the Austrian patent
ofÏce rankings for many years.
Helmut List also advocates for excellent collaboration be-
tween universities and the industry, supporting, among other
things, the establishment of Christian Doppler Laboratories
and competence centers in Austria. He has held the position
of university council chair at Graz University of Technology for
ten years. Moreover, he was also actively involved in the foun-
dation of the Styrian technical colleges in 1995 and the Styrian
university conference.
Of particular importance in Helmut List’s work is his strong
commitment to Europe by actively shaping the areas of
research, innovation, and economics. Since Austria’s acces-
sion to the EU, he has shared his view of innovation with
several committees on the topic of research and technology
development. For example, he has been involved as Chairman
of IRDAC, the European Commission’s main advisory body
for industrial research and technology development, as Vice
Chairman of ERTRAC (European Road Transport Research
Advisory Council), and Chairman of SSTAG (Sustainable Sur-
face Transport Advisory Group). The focus of these and other
committees is on linking technological topics with applicability
to society and sustainability.
Helmut List built a bridge between science and art with the
opening of Helmut List Halle in Graz in 2003. The acoustic
brilliance of the hall was defined by the collaboration of AVL
scientists and international artists (Nikolaus Harnoncourt,
Beat Furrer, Bernhard Lang).
The AVL Cultural Foundation was founded by Helmut List
and his wife Kathryn in 2007 – and she has been managing
the foundation with great dedication and passion ever since.
Following the guiding principle that technical innovation and
artistic creativity have important things in common, art has
now been connected with technology for many years and
supports a wide variety of art and cultural projects, especially
in the areas of the avant-garde and art and science.
In memory of his father, Helmut List also supports students of
technical fields who are involved in scientific work in the field
of vehicle propulsion systems and vehicle technology as well
as related areas, through the Hans List Fund.
Honorary citizenship of the University of Graz
Awarding of the title “Professor” by the Austrian Ministry of Science,
on the recommendation of the Technical University of Vienna
Honorary doctorate in engineering sciences at the Technical
University of Dresden, Germany
Honorary senator, University of Graz
Honorary professor, University of Tongji, China
Josef Krainer Award, governor of Styria
Honorary professor, University of Jilin, China
Rosthorn Medal, Austrian government
Honorary Ring, city of Graz
Exner Medal, Austrian Association for Small and Medium-Sized
Enterprises (SME)
Grand Decoration of Styria, Styrian provincial government
Colin Trust Prize
Grand Gold Decoration of Styria, Styrian provincial government
Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art, 1st class
Archduke Johann Ring of Honor, Graz University of Technology
Large gold medal of honor with the star of the state of Styria
Archduke Johann Research Award, Styrian Economic Chamber
Hermes Business Award, Federal Ministry of Science, Research, and
Economy, Austrian Economic Chamber, leading Austrian companies
Councilor of Commerce (professional title, awarded by the Federal
President of Austria for services to the Republic)
Honorary citizen of the city of Graz
Prof. Helmut List
Honors and Accolades
It is nearly impossible to acknowledge the life and work of
Prof. Helmut List in just a few words. For almost six decades,
he has shaped AVL, and with his many achievements he is the
embodiment of the spirit of our company.
Prof. Helmut List –
His Personal Life
and Achievements
fter attending elementary school, Helmut List attended
the secondary school in Lichtenfelsgasse in Graz. At a
young age he showed extraordinary talent for technol-
ogy and started tinkering with radios, which led him to study
mechanical and electrical engineering at the Graz University of
Technology. During his studies he gained hands-on experience
at engine factories in England, the USA, France, and Germany.
He joined AVL in 1966, where he started his career heading
up the production department for electronic and precision
measuring instruments. He also assumed the role of project
manager for the development of a new medical blood gas
analyzer based on a concept by and in collaboration with Prof.
Dr. Karl Harnoncourt. Blood gas analysis was at the heart
of what would become AVL Medizintechnik; In his role as
managing director he was responsible for the technological
aspects of this field – from the very beginning until it was sold
to Roche Diagnostics in 2000.
In 1970, AVL set up a new, younger management board – and
Helmut List took the chair for measurement technology, pro-
duction, and sales, thus laying the foundation for continuous
rapid growth. During this time he also started to set up the first
AVL subsidiaries around the world.
In December 1975, Helmut List married his first wife Dagmar
Grill, who gave birth to their daughter Katharina in 1979.
During his travels he met his second wife – an American
called Kathryn. They married in Dearborn, USA, in 1987. In
1989, she gave birth to their son Hans Gordon, named after his
two grandfathers. Their daughter Olivia followed in 1991, with
their daughter Clara Elizabeth arriving in 1996.
In 1979, Helmut List became CEO of AVL. Under his manage-
ment, the pioneering findings and research activities in the
area of diesel engine technology were expanded.
Under his leadership, AVL expanded into a global company
with a worldwide network of tech centers. Over the last two
decades, he has placed a strong emphasis on shifting the
primary focus from just the engine to the entire propulsion
system. In pursuit of this goal, he has initiated various endeav-
ors involving acquisitions and research programs dedicated to
the advancement of electrified propulsion. Now, with 11,200
employees in more than 90 locations and with 45 tech and
engineering centers, AVL is one of the world’s leading mobility
technology companies for development, simulation, and test-
ing in the automotive industry and in other sectors.
One of the key priorities of Helmut List’s work is the targeted
application of research. This is reflected in the high R&D share
across all strategic business areas and the many collabora-
tions with university institutes both locally and internationally.
His initiatives have also revolutionized many R&D fields: For
example, digitization at AVL, which Helmut List initiated in the
1970s with the introduction of digital testbed control systems;
or the development of completely new unknown materials,
such as the gallium phosphate crystal with the highest tem-
perature resistance for pressure measurements. His idea to
correlate drivers’ subjective evaluations of the drivability of a
car with the measurable factors in the vehicle and to gain an
objective, reproducible benchmark from the multitude of such
correlations was also revolutionary. Thus, the AVL drivability
technology was born. He came up with pivotal initiatives in
the field of the mathematical modeling of flow processes in
1980, which was the driving force behind the later establish-
ment of the “Advanced Simulation Technologies” division. With
the “Integrated and Open Development Platform” he united
mathematical simulation and test results interactively in a
cyber-physical development environment.
Over the years, Helmut List transformed AVL into the most
innovative company in Austria, especially in terms of its
10 | 11
In 1982, AVL introduced a procedure that enabled real-time
insights into the combustion processes of diesel engines. In
1985, AVL commissioned a high-dynamic testbed, allowing
a real engine to be tested in a virtual vehicle for the very first
time. Testbeds of this type were developed for Italian carmak-
er Ferrari, for example.
In 1986, the first HSDI (High-Speed Direct Injection) diesel
engine developed by AVL went into large-scale global produc-
tion. This advanced engine was produced in large batches as
a propulsion system for light commercial vehicles, marking
a significant milestone in the development of diesel engine
The 1980s
Foundation of AVL Italia S.r.l.
Headquartered in Turin, AVL Italia S.r.L. was founded in 1980
with the aim of introducing AVL testing and instrumentation to
the Italian market. In 2006, the subsidiary expanded its expertise
in the areas of mechanics, fluidics and end-of-line cold testing
systems. The area of end-of-line cold testing systems has been
operating as a separate legal entity since 2017. A state-of-the art
technology center opened in Cavriago in the same year, featuring
a high-voltage laboratory with a prototype battery assembly
area. This saw AVL establish a powerful presence in the Emilia
Romagna region, known as the “Motor Valley” of Italy.
Foundation of AVL India Private Ltd.
AVL India Private Ltd. was established in 1984 and has pioneered
the provision of turnkey projects, encompassing testbed
systems, end-of-line tests, and quality control for all types of
mobility technology. The expansion of the technology center
allowed for the provision of customer-specific services for the
construction and development of propulsion systems for the
Indian market.
Foundation of AVL List Nordiska AB
AVL List Nordiska AB has been headquartered in Stockholm since
its foundation in 1987. Scandinavia plays a significant global
role in the automotive industry. This geographical relevance is
reflected in the four AVL subsidiaries in Sweden.
The 1970s saw AVL initiate sales of its first fully automatic
testbeds. Fifty medical devices were distributed at the same
time. The importance of the technical support provided in
Graz grew, guaranteeing operational stability for customers
with as little downtime as possible. The aim was to analyze
complaints quickly, make any necessary improvements to the
devices, and then put these into production with top priority.
This was accompanied by the introduction of a younger
executive management board, with Helmut List assuming the
chair. He was also responsible for the Measurement Tech-
nology, Workshops (Production), and Sales areas at AVL. At
this time, Hans List retained the top management role at the
company. Further significant milestones were reached during
the decade, with the introduction of capsule technology for
acoustic insulation in engines and the initiation of develop-
ment of DI diesel engines for passenger vehicles in 1974. AVL
proudly presented the first prototype of a light diesel engine
(LD) in 1975.
1979 saw Helmut List finally assume overall control of AVL
from his father, having been actively involved in the company
since 1966. The handover took place from September 9th to
24th with notarial authentication. At this time, AVL had around
500 employees.
The 1970s
Foundation of AVL United Kingdom Ltd.
AVL United Kingdom Ltd. was established in Hartlebury (UK) in
1972. The subsidiary company now has centers of excellence
in Coventry, Basildon, and Hartlebury. These can be used local-
ly, thanks to the access to the international expertise network
of the entire AVL Group.
Foundation of AVL Deutschland GmbH
Founded in 1976, AVL Deutschland GmbH started out as
a pure sales company. Starting from the headquarters in
Mainz- Kastel, more than ten locations were established in
Germany, linked with the continuous expansion of the already
extensive portfolio in the areas of engineering, instrumentation,
test systems, and simulation.
12 | 13
Foundation of AVL Japan K.K.
Business activities began for AVL in Japan back in 1969 in
the area of construction and development of engines for truck
manufacturers. Since its foundation in 1995, AVL Japan K.K.
has been offering the complete range of innovative AVL tech-
nologies. 2016 saw the opening of the Japan Technical Center,
to implement customer requests with regard to propulsion
technologies for automobiles, industrial machines, and ships.
Foundation of AVL Moravia s.r.o
AVL Moravia, headquartered in Hranice, Czechia, was estab-
lished in 1996 and produces electric motors, chassis dynos,
and testing equipment. The expertise of this subsidiary is re-
flected in the close cooperation with development departments
from major automotive concerns. AVL Moravia is a market
leader in Czechia.
Foundation of AVL AST d.o.o. Hrvatska
AVL AST d.o.o. was founded as a member of the AVL Group in
1996, with headquarters in Zagreb, Croatia. As a strategic part-
ner, the company focuses primarily on software development,
electrification, and creation and implementation of software
solutions for the simulation, testing, and optimization of all
types of propulsion systems for passenger and commercial
vehicles. 2019 saw the opening of the AVL Powertrain Engi-
neering Center in Zagreb, followed by the Power Electronics
Center and Lab in 2021.
Foundation of AVL-AST d.o.o. Slovenija
AVL-AST d.o.o., located in Maribor and Ljubljana, Slovenia, was
established in 1996 and has since focused primarily on the
Advanced Simulation Technologies and Engineering Services
business areas.
Foundation of AVL MTC Motortestcenter AB
The AVL MTC Motortestcenter AB in Jordbro, Sweden, was
established in 1997 and has since supported customers from
the automotive industry with the development of engines and
transmissions. It also enjoys the role of an intermediary with
industry-specific expertise for research programs. For example,
numerous international projects have contributed to optimized
air quality.
Foundation of AVL Mobility Technologies, Inc.
(formerly AVL PEI North America)
Since its foundation in 1997, AVL Mobility Technologies, Inc.
has offered solutions in the areas of e-mobility, fuel cells,
batteries, ADAS/AD, data intelligence, and embedded systems
for all types of vehicles. The global AVL network enables the
company to deliver outstanding and sustainable mobility
solutions for North America and the world. AVL Mobility
Technologies Inc. thereby makes a significant contribution to
improving vehicle safety and reducing emissions.
Foundation of AVL South America Ltda.
AVL South America Ltda. is headquartered in São Paulo, Brazil.
The company was founded in 1998 and operates in the field of
clinical laboratories, focusing on technical analysis and testing.
In 2012, AVL South America Ltda. expanded its portfolio to
include simulation solutions. In 2014, the Engineering Tech
Center, including two engine testbeds and a vehicle testbed, was
Foundation of AVL DiTEST GmbH
Since 1999, AVL DiTEST GmbH, based in Graz, Austria and
Cadolzburg, Germany, has been successfully distributing
intelligent device solutions for the automotive sector around
the world. The wide range of products from AVL DiTEST GmbH
delivers perfectly coordinated devices to suit all needs in the
area of vehicle diagnosis and instrumentation, guaranteeing
precise exhaust analysis for petrol and diesel engines.
Foundation of AVL SEA & Australia Co. Ltd
Since 1999, AVL SEA & Australia Co. Ltd has had its head-
quarters in Bangkok. This location – alongside the ofÏces in
Hanoi, Jakarta, Melbourne, Kuala Lumpur, and Taipei – serves
customers with the technical expertise of AVL SEA & Australia
Co. Ltd. In addition, AVL had an ofÏce in Australia for many
years to provide local support to Australian customers from
Sydney. This ofÏce was closed in 2019 after the international
automotive industry left Australia.
In 1990, AVL introduced the tomographic combustion analysis
(TCA). This enabled visual capture and analysis of the com-
bustion phenomena displayed by a close-to-series Otto engine.
In 1992, AVL developed a powertrain demonstration system
for fully-hybrid propulsion, in conjunction with another manu-
facturer. The Universal Hybrid System (UHS) used planetary
gearing to link an internal combustion engine with two electric
motors. One year later, in 1993, AVL became the first company
in the world to deliver specific motorsport testbeds that were
able to simulate the dynamic requirements of race engines,
such as those in Formula 1 or the IndyCar series.
In this decade, AVL also developed the first demonstration
model for a GDI Turbo (Gasoline Direct Injection).
The 1990s
Foundation of AVL Ibérica S.A.
AVL Ibérica S.A., established in Barcelona, Spain, in 1990 is
responsible for the Spanish, Mexican, and Portuguese markets.
AVL Ibérica focuses on delivering top-level services for the
development, simulation, testing, and integration of propulsion
systems – in conjunction with the entire AVL Group.
Foundation of AVL France S.A.S.
Until 1990, the privately-owned company “Etablissement
Urbah”, located in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, represented
the instrument and testbed department of AVL in France. To
better meet the demands of globalization and the need for
customer proximity in France, some employees joined AVL
France in Chatou in 1990. In 1993, AVL France was the first
AVL subsidiary to set up a simulation department, before the
establishment of the Advanced Simulation Technologies (AST)
business area.
Foundation of AVL Korea Co. Ltd.
Since its foundation in 1991, AVL Korea Co. Ltd. has been
a reliable partner for Korean customers in areas such as
technical services, measurement systems, and test systems,
as well as software and simulation. In addition, the opening of
the Tech Center in Seoul in 2007 was an important further step
that had a positive impact on the overall business development
in Korea.
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Foundation of AVL Zöllner GmbH
Headquartered in Kiel, Germany, AVL Zöllner GmbH was
founded in 2004. The company specializes in the development,
production, and distribution of mechanical engineering and
electronic products, especially testbed equipment for the
automotive industry.
Foundation of AVL Test Systems Co. Ltd
AVL Test Systems Co. Ltd was established in 2005, with the
aim of enabling RMB transactions for AVL in the Chinese
market. Originally located in Pudong, Shanghai, the company
has built up a number of branch ofÏces in China and assumed
economic control of the production and assembly workshops
and warehouses in Beijing and Lingang. Now represented
with locations in Shanghai, Tianjin, and Beijing, as well as a
software center in Chengdu and ofÏces in Wuhan, Chongqing,
Jinan, and Guangzhou, AVL Test Systems Co. Ltd has devel-
oped into a significant and extremely profitable part of the AVL
China organization.
Foundation of AVL Powertrain UK Limited
AVL Powertrain UK Limited consists of an international team
that develops state-of-the-art technologies in the areas
of e-mobility, connected and autonomous driving, testing
methodology, and software and simulation for all propulsion
applications. In 2009, the company expanded to include the
Engineering Centre Coventry, followed by the Technical Centre
Coventry in 2017. In 2020, the Engineering Centre Basildon was
opened for internal research and development in the area of
fuel cell and battery development.
Foundation of Piezocryst Advanced Sensorics GmbH
In the late 1980s and the 1990s, a research project for creating
artificial crystals came to fruition in the Physics department.
As a result, 2005 saw the foundation of Piezocryst Advanced
Sensorics GmbH, focusing on pressure and acceleration sen-
sors. The company focuses on the optimization of production
and combustion processes. The use of these products reduces
the rejection rate, lowers the consumption of complete engine
and turbine generations, and improves the efÏciency of large
engines and turbines during operation. In addition, Piezocryst
has its own crystal growing system to ensure the quality of the
Foundation of AVL Analytical Technologies GmbH
(formerly AVL Emission Test Systems GmbH)
2006 saw the foundation of AVL Emission Test Systems GmbH,
the result of an amalgamation of Pierburg Instruments, Peus
Systems, and the AVL emissions department. 2007 saw the
AVL subsidiary bring the new, intelligent AVL-iGeneration family
of products to the market, consisting of exhaust gas measure-
ment systems, dilution systems, and particle samplers. 2017
saw AVL AMA SL™ make its first appearance at the Automotive
Testing Expo Europe in Stuttgart. The subsidiary was renamed
AVL Analytical Technologies GmbH in 2022.
AVL LMM S.A.S. (formerly AVL Le Moteur Moderne S.A.S.)
Further internationalization efforts saw the AVL Group take
over the French propulsion system service provider Le Moteur
Moderne in 2007 – this company had originally been estab-
lished in Boulogne as an engineering firm in 1951. In light of
the increasing significance of France in the global automotive
market, the aim of this acquisition was to increase customer
proximity and enable larger-scale series development pro-
grams. The company was renamed AVL LMM S.A.S. in 2014.
Foundation of AVL Romania S.R.L.
AVL Romania S.R.L. was founded as a member of the AVL
Group in 2007, with headquarters in Bucharest. The company’s
extensive portfolio covers all customer requests from the
automotive industry – innovative testing solutions, optimi-
zation of propulsion systems for passenger and commercial
vehicles, and software production and electrification.
Foundation of AVL Software and Functions GmbH
2008 saw the foundation of the new subsidiary AVL Software
and Functions GmbH, based in Regensburg, Germany. With
a focus squarely on technologically advanced software and
system solutions for intelligent, ecologically sound mobility,
system integration, and electronics development, as well as
safety and security applications. Employees of AVL Software
and Functions GmbH are currently working on the mobility of
the future at six locations.
AVL Zöllner Marine GmbH
Headquartered in Kiel, Germany, AVL Zöllner Marine has been
concentrating on the development, production, and distribu-
tion of machine engineering and electric/electronic products
since 2008. The focus is on testbed equipment for propulsion
Foundation of AVL Research & Engineering Turkey
In 2008, AVL was the first international engineering services
provider in the automotive segment to establish a subsidiary
in Turkey. Since then, the organization in Istanbul has grown to
nearly 400 engineers, working on global projects and serving
local customers.
In 2000, the business area for medical devices was sold to
Roche Diagnostics. 2002 saw operations begin at the test
track in Gratkorn, near Graz.
2003 saw the opening of the Helmut List Halle in Graz as
an event center for up to 2400 visitors. After four months of
planning and a ten-month construction phase, the event loca-
tion ofÏcially opened on January 9, 2003 with the first staged
performance of “Begehren” by Beat Furrer, which also heralded
the start of Graz’s year as Cultural Capital of Europe in 2003.
The 2000s
AVL Schrick Performance Components GmbH
AVL Schrick Performance Components GmbH has been
focusing on the production, processing, and distribution of
mechanical components and systems made from a range of
materials – for chassis, combustion, electric, and hydrogen
motors and for the heavy-load sectors of the industry since
Foundation of AVL Hungary Kft.
AVL List GmbH acquired the engine development department
of the company known as AUTÓKUT at the time, integrating
this into the AVL Group. AVL Hungary Kft. is involved in
domestic and international projects, working with state-of-the-
art equipment and developing propulsion systems of the future
for the automotive, heavy-load, construction, and shipping
AVL Schrick GmbH
2002 saw AVL take over the German engine developer Schrick,
which was founded as Dr. Schrick GmbH in 1969, and integrate
it into the company. Schrick had its roots in motorsport
and specialized in manufacturing camshafts. AVL had been
working on the development of new, alternative propulsion
concepts since the early 2000s and started to integrate hybrid
technologies into vehicles in 2003.
Foundation of AVL Tippelmann GmbH
Tippelmann GmbH near Neuenstadt, Germany, was founded in
1976 and became part of the AVL Group in 2004. Now active
on the global stage, the company develops measurement
procedures that allow the capture of flow processes in internal
combustion engine cylinders. The strict requirements in place
for exhaust gas quality mean that the development testbeds
and series test machines constructed for this purpose at AVL
Tippelmann play an increasingly critical role.
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In 2016, AVL agreed to enter a partnership with Greenlight
Innovation Corp., one of the world’s leading providers of test
and production systems for hydrogen fuel cells, electrolyzers,
batteries, and energy storage devices. In May 2018, AVL
announced the opening of a research and development center
for fuel cell technology in Vancouver. The investment in this
new R&D center was intended to strengthen the leading role of
AVL in the provision of engineering solutions for next-genera-
tion propulsion systems.
On May 31, 2017, AVL opened the world-leading center of
excellence for research and development of innovative pro-
pulsion systems, together with Graz University of Technology
(TU Graz). The AVL-TU Graz Transmission Center is anchored
in the Expertise Mobility & Production field, one of five strate-
gic research areas at TU Graz.
In 2018, AVL opened an expanded battery lab in Graz after
eleven months of reconstruction. The test center covers an
area of around 700 square meters, featuring four testbeds that
can cover battery developments up to 1200 V. It is regarded as
one of the most modern centers for electric and thermal bat-
tery testing in Europe. It also allows test execution with larger
batteries, from electric buses or trucks. The expansion of the
center sees AVL continue to drive large-scale series produc-
tion for batteries. Back in 2012, AVL developed and realized
the first 800 V electric vehicle (BEV) “AVL CoupE”, which was
regarded as the concept car for battery technologies for large-
scale series BEV.
2019 saw AVL work with ZalaZONE to establish the joint ven-
ture “AVL ZalaZONE Proving Ground Ltd.” Operated by AVL, the
250-hectare vehicle testing site to the west of Zalaegerszeg,
Hungary, was conceived specially for the development and
validation of autonomous and electric vehicles. It also enables
the execution of dynamic and durability tests for conventional
vehicles. AVL ZalaZONE provides complete testing solutions
with engineering services, technical equipment, workshops
and ofÏces for testing staff, AB Dynamics EuroNCAP equip-
ment for ADAS tests, HD mapping, and test drivers.
Foundation of AVL Commercial Driveline &
Tractor Engineering GmbH
AVL Commercial Driveline & Tractor Engineering GmbH was
established in Steyr, Austria, in 2012. Comprehensive engineer-
ing experience, paired with the use of efÏcient development,
simulation, and testing tools, form the basis for innovative
solutions in tractor technology, for example.
AVL End of Line Testing Systems S.r.l.
Located in Turin, Italy, AVL End of Line Testing Systems S.r.l.
has been focusing on the production of measurement and
control devices, drawing instruments, counters for electricity,
gas, water, and other fluids, and analytical precision scales
since 2017.
Foundation of AVL Fuel Cell Canada Inc.
2018 saw the establishment of AVL Fuel Cell Canada Inc.
Based in Vancouver, Canada, the company is a global center
of expertise for state-of-the-art proton-exchange membrane
fuel cell development and covers all applications, including
automotive, heavy-load, and marine.
Foundation of AVL Maroc SARL AU
In 2019, AVL LMM S.A.S. founded AVL Maroc SARL AU in
Rabat, in order to establish a strong engineering center to look
after customer projects jointly between France and Morocco. In
total, roughly 500 employees are working to further develop the
respective markets of AVL.
“It is a long journey from the development of challenging system
solutions to their industrial implementation, and one which we will
be embarking on in the area of transmission system electrifcation
in an even closer partnership with TU Graz. This allows us to ensure
that AVL can continue to expand its leading international position in
research and development of state-of-the-art propulsion solutions.”
Helmut List
2010 saw AVL open a battery lab in China, the AVL List
Technical Center (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. This was followed by
the AVL List Technical Center (Tianjin) Co. Ltd. as a second
Chinese center in 2016. The aim was to streamline the engine
development process to match the increasing demands from
the Chinese automotive industry for a shorter product devel-
opment cycle. This also allowed Chinese and foreign suppliers
to be included at an earlier stage of development. This was
the first technical center for engine development run by a
private company in China. To this day, the involvement of AVL
strengthens the long-lasting relationship with China, which can
be traced back to 1926, when AVL founder Hans List lived and
worked at Tongji University.
In 2014, AVL acquired a majority stake in qpunkt, which was
founded in 2008 and at the time employed 150 people in Hart
near Graz and at four other locations. qpunkt was well-known
for specializing in thermal management, flow technology, and
acoustics. The company focused on the use of physical and
virtual methods, as well as the corresponding instrumentation,
to develop innovative solutions related to thermal manage-
ment. The addition of the subsidiary Epzwo made it possible
to cover the entire V-process, from thermal management
development to SOP. In 2018, qpunkt was completely integrat-
ed into the AVL Group as the Thermal Management & HVAC
product line and operates globally within AVL’s worldwide
The 2010s
Foundation of AVL Engineering & Test Systems Türkiye
The steep development curve in the Turkish automotive
industry included the delivery of test systems in the 1980s and
AVL Instrumentation and Test Systems therefore decided to
become active in the region in 2010. The company has since
grown steadily, with 50 engineers now providing engineering,
after-sales, and project management services locally and
Foundation of AVL SET GmbH
(formerly SET Power Systems GmbH)
2012 saw the company now known as AVL SET (then SET
Power Systems GmbH) established as a “Member of the AVL
Group”, in a joint venture with AVL List GmbH. The company is
located in Wangen im Allgäu, Germany. The aim was to provide
customers in the development area of the automotive industry
with power Hardware-in-the-Loop test systems. A completely
new methodology was developed for the market, to test
propulsion inverters using e-machine emulation technology.
Continuous technological advances and the resulting need for
innovation in the area of power electronics for electro propul-
sion systems continues to demand swift and agile growth from
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