AVL Focus - Issue 2023


corporate insights

corporate insights

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Our vision of CO2 neutrality

across our global operations

starts with our Austrian





Climate change and environmental impact have been, and will contin-

ue to be, the biggest drivers of change within the automotive industry. It

is something we take very seriously at AVL, as we work with our partners

and customers to achieve climate-neutral mobility. But it is also something

that we have always been and of course still are passionate about at AVL,

and we’re taking steps to reduce our own environmental impact across our

business, starting with our head office in Graz, Austria.



Making AVL climate-neutral is not a single task, but a series of activities with

the aim of continuously optimizing, improving and monitoring our CO2

footprint. Our employees are the changemakers, innovators and pioneers

towards sustainability – not only with their work but also, for example, on

their way to work. As a company, we encourage people to cycle to work

and we subsidize the increased use of public transportation. Furthermore,

more than half of our internal carpool is either electric or hybrid. We charge

these vehicles on-site using renewable power, and when they are out on the

road, we use the 100 % renewable Shell Recharge network.

We are already using 100 % renewable electricity at our headquarters in

Graz, and heat produced by our own solar thermal plant, measuring more

than 3,300 m², is fed into our internal heating network. The system offers

an energy generation capacity of 2,424 kW, and boasts a cooling capacity

of 650 kW using the high temperatures of summer for process cooling

via an absorption chiller. This makes it one of Europe’s largest process

cooling systems.

Built in collaboration with SOL-

ID Solar Energy Systems and

solar.nahwaerme.at, the plant can

save 320 tons of CO2 every year

and offers a practical example of

how any industry can reduce CO2

emissions. We have also installed a

waste heat recovery infrastructure

throughout our Graz facility to

supply our internal heating system.



The basis for our sustainable actions

is the ISO 14001 certificate, which

the headquarters has held since 2002

and we are working to roll it out at

all locations worldwide. Further-

more, we have been part of the

ECOPROFIT® initiative of the city

AVL’s Executive Vice President, Jens Poggenburg,

has been elected as the AVL board’s new representative

of suppliers at the prostep ivip Association. The associa-

tion brings together members from a variety of industries

to tackle the big issues around digitalization. Founded in

1993 with a focus on the STEP data format, then expanded to integrated virtual

product creation, the association has now strategically realigned itself towards

digital transformation.

“Since there is a huge overlap in the strategy of prostep ivip with the mid- and

long-term objectives of AVL, I am happy to contribute as a board member of

the association to its future success,” says Poggenburg. “We are all facing the

same challenge: How to ensure seamless collaboration in cross-organizational

networks. Digitized processes, well-defined interfaces, appropriate skills, and

global interaction are essential success factors which I would like to move

forward. I am very optimistic to create relevant impact for the member group

of suppliers in the association.”

AVL has been an active member of the association since 2008. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

Leading in Digital


F I N D O U T M O R E : www.prostep.org

AVL’s Jens Poggenburg

joins influential industry

body to shape the future

of digitalization

of Graz for decades, which aims

to conserve natural resources and

reduce waste and emissions.

We already have global energy

and CO2 measurement and mon-

itoring practices in place. For this

purpose, we have developed our

own in-house energy monitoring

tool that provides the energy con-

sumption and CO2 emissions data

of AVL globally to determine the

most efficient measures to achieve

our environmental targets, taking

into account local conditions.

Together we move towards our

vision of carbon neutrality at our

head office and across our global

business – creating a more sustain-

able world for future generations.


Extended board of the prostep ivip Association with Jens Poggenburg, second from right.

© prostep ivip Association

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